Command Line Tools
Week 1 (April 4)
- ls: List contents of directory man page
- cd: Change current directory man page
- mkdir: Create a new directory man page
- rmdir: Remove an empty directory man page
- rm: Remove a file or directory man page
- cp: Copy file or directory man page
- mv: Move file or directory man page
- ssh: Secure shell man page
- less: Inspect a (text) file man page
- man: Open man pages man page
Week 2 (April 11)
- grep: Extract lines that match some criteria from files, man page
- cat: Concatenate multiple files man page
- tr: Transliterate streams, man page
- wc: Count lines, words, characters, man page
- sort: Sort input according to some criteria, man page
- uniq: Identify and collapse repeating lines, man page
- Documentation about input/output redirection
- Documentation about file name pattern matching (= globbing)
Week 3 (April 18)
- sed: Apply regular expressions to streams, man page
- Documentation about regular expressions: pcresyntax, pcrepattern
Week 4 (April 25)
- htop: Show current system resources and running processes, man page
- nano: Interactive plain text editor for the command line, man page
- tmux: Terminal multiplexer, man page, cheat sheet